Friday, January 30, 2015

Difference between C++ and C#

C++ and C# both are object oriented languages. Lets check out the main difference between them:-
C++ C#
In C++ programmer have to free the memory. In C# has Garbage collector which frees the memory
In C++ multiple inheritance is supported In C# multiple inheritance is not supported
In C++ we have pointers which manipulate memory illegally In C# we access memory legally.
In C++ access modifiers are public, private and protected. In C# access modifiers are public, private, protected, Internal and protected internal.
C++ uses semicolon at the end of class definition. C# does not use semicolon at the end of class definition.
C++ supports macros. C# does not support macros.
C++ is language not type-safe. C# is language type-safe.
C++ code usually compiles to assembly language C# code usually compiles to intermediate language.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Difference between Stored Procedures and Functions

Stored Procedures Functions
Stored procedures are stored in parsed and compiled format in the database. Functions are compiled and executed at run time.
Stored procedures can not be called in SQL statement like Select. Functions can be called in SQL statement like Select.
Stored procedures are usually used for Business logic. Functions are normally used for computations.
Stored procedures can contain DML statements. Functions can not contain DML statements.
Exception can be called in stored procedure by TRY-CATCH Block. Exception can not be used in Function
Stored Procedure may or may not return a value. Function will always return a value & it can be only single value.
Transaction management is possible in Procedure Transaction management Is not possible in Function
A Function can be called inside a stored procedure A stored procedure can not be called inside a function.

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